Moveable WYSIWYG


(What You See Is What You Get) Provides the ability to have a callout alongside the WYSIWYG to provide a pathway to a related, important user goal. 


Program Detail, Landing Page, General Page, News Detail, Department Detail


Use when you have a block of text that cannot be used in any other component.

Use it as a way to break up a set of white background modules with a blue background.

Use combinations of headings and body.

Do Not

Use to publish stories in a blog format.



  • Color select (blue or white)


These are the styles available to apply in the “Full HTML” WYSIWYG.

Available Styles

  • Intro Text 
  • H2 – H6 
  • Bold, Link, Italic text styles
  • Buttons, Download Links, External Links 
  • Unordered and Ordered lists 
  • Images – left aligned, center aligned, right aligned
  • Video
  • Block quote 
  • Tables

See Text Area – Full HTML (WYSIWYG) Link when available

  • Callout Title
    • Text Field – Plain 
  • Callout Description
    • Text Area – Simple HTML 
  • Callout CTA Link [max 2]
    • Title + URL Field

Section Features

If the callout is not used, the text area is centered.