Image/Video Gallery


Provide a way to showcase rich multimedia content. 


Landing Page, General Page, News Detail


Use for photos and videos.

Use to showcase photos from a recent event your department hosted.

Use approved Canva templates if you need to showcase a vertical photo.


Do Not

Use for text-heavy graphics filled with information.



  • Section Title
    • Text Field – Plain 
  • Description 
    • Text Area – Simple HTML 
  • Link 
    • Title + URL Field
    • Image
      • Image upload (940px x 512px)
    • Video
      • Lightbox video URL (YouTube or Vimeo)
    • Caption Title
      • Text field – Plain
    • Caption Title Link
      • URL
  • Help Text: This links the Caption Title field.
  • Caption Description
    • Text Area – Plain Text
  • Video Play Icon (appears automatically on image if a Video URL is added)
  • Navigation Arrow

Section Features

On click, image or video (with caption information) display in lightbox.