Testimonial/Support Feature


Communicate the University of Mississippi’s friendliness and helpful attitude while also providing key contact information to users. Flexible enough to also be used as a testimonial component. 


School Homepage, Regional Campus, Program Detail, Landing Page, General Page, Tuition and Fees


Use to feature alumni, staff, faculty.


  • Text Field – Plain
  • Text Area – Simple HTML 
    • Profile Select [max 1] 
      • Node Select – Profile Detail 
    • Manual Person Information 
      • Name
        • Text Field – Plain 
      • Position 
        • Text Field – Plain 
      • Email 
        • Text Field – Plain 
      • Phone Number 
  • Text Field – Plain

Pulling from Profile Detail 

  • Name [prefix, first, last, suffix]  (links to profile detail)
  • Position/s (all)
  • Email 
  • Phone Number
  • Title + URL Field 
  • Image Upload 
  • Icons