News Feature


Large featured news item is optionally featured, smaller news items are optional and dynamically pulled in based on selected nodes / taxonomy terms.


School Homepage, Regional Campus Homepage, Landing Page, News Detail, Department Detail, Profile Detail


  • Color select (blue or white)
  • Section Title
    • Front  (not used in this instance)
      • Text Field – Plain
    • Middle  (e.g., “Our” in visual)
      • Text Field – Plain
    • Back  (e.g., “Impact” in visual)
      • Text Field – Plain
  • Description 
    • Text Area – Simple HTML 
  • Link 
    • Title + URL Field
  • Term Select – News Topic [no max] 
  • Term Select – School  [max 1]
  • Term Select – Campus [max 1]
  • Term Select – Office, Center, or Department [max 1]

Section Features

  • Small news items are
    • Sorted chronologically by publish date (most recent first)
    • Display a maximum of 3 items
  • Features – Small News Items
      • Pulls up to 3 most recent News stories tagged with any of the following terms/nodes:
        • News Topic term/s
        • School term
        • Regional Campus Homepage 
        • Department Detail
    • If multiple terms/nodes are selected, they all work together as “AND”.
    • If no taxonomy term(s) or nodes have been selected, the three smaller stories will not appear.
      • (This option may be used in order to only highlight a large featured story, as seen on the Profile Detail page). 
    • Sorting – The three smaller news items will be ordered by publish date: most recent to least recent. 
    • Important note about exclusion:
      • If this component is placed on a News Detail page, that news item will be excluded from any small news items that appear (even if it matches the criteria). It will be deliberately excluded since the user is already on that News Detail page.