Dynamic & Curated Components

These components are generated from content that exists in one of our directories.

You’ve already done the hard work, now feature it on your site.

Dynamic components allow you to quickly feature departments, academic programs, faculty and staff, student ambassadors, testimonials, and news without duplicating your work!

These components are designed to limit the creation of duplicate information by using a centralized directory database to reference when utilizing any of the content used in dynamic components. This will help keep our site small and enhance our search engine effectiveness.




Do you need a faculty or staff profile?

There is a specific photo all faculty and staff must take to populate the directory.

Follow these easy steps:

  • Come to Snappy Hour in Sam Gerard Hall on Monday or Wednesday from 9 – 11 a.m., or Tuesday from 1 – 3 p.m. and have your university portrait made.
  • Fill out your profile.
  • Locate your web editor or publisher and have them develop your page.