Our color palette helps people identify our brand at a glance. The way we use our colors contributes to the mood of our communications, bringing energy and pride to each of our pieces.
Primary Colors
Lyceum Red
CMYK: 12 100 94 03
RGB: 207 20 43
HEX: #CF142B
PMS: 186C
Oxford Blue
CMYK: 99 87 44 49
RGB: 20 33 66
HEX: #142142
PMS: 2767C
Magnolia White
CMYK: 0 0 0 0
RGB: 255 255 255
Lean on the primary colors for formal communications.
Do Not
Opt out of using primary colors for any reason without working with Brand Services.
Secondary Colors
Powder Blue
CMYK: 100 20 0 5
RGB: 0 107 166
HEX: #006BA6
PMS: 307C
CMYK: 61 0 8 0
RGB: 272 198 228
HEX: #48C6E4
PMS: 305C
CMYK: 28 2 0 0
RGB: 177 221 246
PMS: 290C
CMYK: 2 5 14 0
RGB: 248 237 217
PMS: 9224U
CMYK: 0 20 67 0
RGB: 255 205 107
PMS: 134C
CMYK: 0 82 70 0
RGB: 255 84 74
HEX: #FF544A
PMS: 178C
Use in social media posts, internal communications.
Do Not
Use secondary colors without partnering it with a primary color.
Looking for some colors for your next design?
This process is a great guide for selecting colors.
By making selections from our primary and secondary colors, we can create unique color palettes for any situation. Colors should always be appropriate for the intended audience and visual tone, and the ratio in which you use the selected colors matters too.
Choose your Primary Colors
You do not have to use all of them, but remember that your end product needs to look like it came from Ole Miss.
Choose Secondary Colors
This is where your audience plays a role in your decision-making. What colors will be attractive to them while at the same time not offsetting the value of your selected primary colors.
Base Palette
Your base palette is the combination of primary and secondary colors you choose to use in your design.
Formal and reserved use of the example palette
Think invitations, executive communications, external audiences, alumni.
Informal and bold use of the example palette
Think social media, longer publications, internal audiences.
Building a palette for a design?
Our brand services team can help you find the perfect color combinations to capture your audience.
Need to see more?
Here is a deeper look at how we approach color and other brand elements.