
Choose visuals that accurately represent the university.

This is how we show the Ole Miss experience

There are countless ways to show the university from a visual perspective. Every choice you make from photos to color choices can impact how the brand is portrayed. Use this area to enhance how you show the Ole Miss experience.



  • Logo Usage

    Make sure you are using logos correctly across your marketing materials.

    Logo Usage
  • Colors

    Choosing colors is an important part of designing for an audience.

    Get to know the color palette
  • Images and Videos

    Choosing the right image can make or break your design.

    Choose the best photos
  • Graphic Elements

    Need to add that extra pop to your design? Adding a graphic element is a subtle but effective way.

    Find the perfect graphic element
  • Typography

    Can't decide which typeface to use? See how to utilize our approved typefaces in your design.

    Typography options